2022 Leading Ladies
Set in the 1950s, Leading Ladies focuses on two English Shakespearean actors, Jack and Leo, who find their careers in a rut. They are currently performing "Scenes from Shakespeare" on the Moose Lodge circuit in the Amish country of Pennsylvania. When they hear that an old lady in York, PA is about to die and leave her fortune to her two long lost English nephews, however the actors resolve to pass themselves off as her beloved relatives and get the cash. Hilarity ensues when it turns out the relatives are actually nieces and not nephews. Things get even more complicated when Leo falls madly in love with the old lady's vivacious niece, Meg, who's engaged to the local minister.
Area Competition
4/2/2022 - Magnolia, Tx
"Leading Ladies" is one of 3 schools to advance to Regional Competition, April 23rd in Waco.
Awards Recieved:
Honorable Mention - Megan Cabaniss
Honorable Mention - Paris Fulks
All- Star Cast - Tyler Hill
All- Star Cast - Rex Koern

Regionals Competition
4/23/2022 - Waco, Tx
"Leading Ladies" placed 3rd - Alternate to State (one of the TOP 12 in 6A across TEXAS).
Awards Recieved:
Best Technician - Sheldyn Ely
Honorable Mention - Paris Fulks
Honorable Mention - Tyler Hill
All- Star Cast - Megan Cabaniss
Best Performer - Rex Koern

Bi-District Competition
3/24/2022 - The Berry Center
"Leading Ladies" is one of 3 schools to advance to Area Competition, April 2nd in Magnolia.
Awards Recieved:
Best Technician -Corbin Garrett
Honorable Mention - Megan Cabaniss
All- Star Cast - Tyler Hill
All- Star Cast - Rex Koern

District Competition
3/9/2022 - The Berry Center
"Leading Ladies" is one of 3 schools to advance to Bi-District Competition, March 24th at 1:00pm at the Berry Center.
Awards Recieved:
Best Technician - Sheldyn Ely
Overall Technical Crew -
Sheldyn Ely, Corbin Garrett & Jarob Abbott
Honorable Mention - Jackson Nichols
All- Star Cast - Megan Cabaniss
Best Performer - Rex Koern
Best Performer - Tyler Hill